Saturday, November 22, 2008


I mostly drink decaf now. I start the morning with regular coffee, but it is decaf after that. Every once in a while I have a mug of regular coffee when I need a pick me up, like right now when I feel myself starting to drift off to sleep and it is way too early still. I want to say profound things, like it is making me feel like a new person, but I don't know if that is true. Maybe I'm a little bit more mellow, but I'm not sure. I certainly feel like a sleepy person, that's for sure, but that is really nothing new, is it?

I think the Überhund's eyes are getting a little bit better. They don't seem so cloudy and red anymore, although we're not out of the woods yet. They still don't look good and he has a ways to go before they are really better. He's not rubbing them with his paws anymore, so that is an improvement.

Joost has come and gone. He was delayed quite a bit yesterday, because a tree had blown across the train tracks and the train was delayed by hours. Such a simple thing caused so many problems, it seems. Wait until it really becomes winter and we have snow and ice.

Speaking of which, it snowed today, but it was not quite cold enough for it to stay on the ground. There were some real big flurries with big snowflakes. It did look pretty, but it did not make me pine for a snow covered world. Think of all the inconvenience and we're basically not used to snow anymore and how to deal with it. All of the Netherlands would come to a stand still and there would be many accidents on the roads.

I was too tired to be a really good hostess to Joost and even took a nap on the sofa while he used the computer. I wonder if it is the lack of caffeine that is making me so. I can barely keep my mind on the subject at hand. I do feel like eating a lot constantly to get my energy up. Subconsciously my brain wants food for the energy to keep on working, when my body wants to go to sleep. Last night, I fell asleep with a glass of yogurt in my hands. Saved it just in time before it fell to the ground and shattered.

Listen people, I have to stop writing and get into my pajamas. I am not going to last much longer and I have to eat something nutritious before I go to sleep. The coffee hasn't helped and maybe I accidentally put in the decaf pads.

Have a good night and I'll talk to you tomorrow.



Bev said...

It was snowing here today when I was in Morrisons, and it did look pretty as it was coming down in big fluffy round flakes - very Christmas cardy. It is very cold here too, like it hasn't been for quite a few years, and our birdbath is freezing over. I do remember past years when if I forgot our washing overnight and left it out, it was as stiff as a board in the morning, but that also hasn't happened for quite a few years lol

lebanesa said...

Sleep well. You sound a little tired and defeated.
Glad to hear about the Uberhound.
It is cold here, but not cold enough for snow. I put a blanket on one of the plants just in case.
See you tomorrow
Keep well

Mad Asthmatic said...

Hope you have a restful sleep. We haven't had snow yet here but I am dreaming of a white christmas.
Glad to hear the Uberhound is on the mend.

Maggie May said...

Hope you didn't come off decaf suddenly else it would put you on a downer.
Snow! Lovely on postcards horrid under foot! We have had a murky day trying to rain. typical November. Cold.
Sleep well. X

Nora said...

Snow, coffee, visitors. It all sounds good. My husband is a sleeper, too. I'm the opposite.

laurie said...

it snowed here, too. just a coating. but still. yuck. too early.

why did you give up caffeine? sounds like maybe you need it...