Friday, August 23, 2013

Where there is a will...

Now that I know that I have at least some kind of rheumatism, I am much more aware of what it does to my body and of how I should take care of it. I no longer do things in spite of the pain like I had done for such a long time. I am careful about where my limits are and not to overreach them too much, although when I take Tyke out I often have to because he does pull on the leash regularly. I have learned not to pull in return too much and hope that in the end he pretty much goes in the direction I want him to. Whenever something hurts too much, I stop what I am doing.
Taking the paracetamol and the ibuprofen on time is important too, although I only take them once every 6 hours, but I think that is as often as I ought to take them. It is a wonderful thing when you can take some pills and know that in a short time, they are going to give you relief. That in itself relaxes you and makes things easier.
I have started applying a scalp lotion to the psoriasis on my head and I am happy to say that it helps stop the itching. Along with the ointment I use on my ears, I am in much better shape. I've got a little supply of all this stuff on one shelf of the bookcase beside my armchair so it will be within my reach and I can't forget to apply any of it. It is starting to look like the living space of an old lady around here with all her potions and notions within easy reach. I do have to say though, that this makes me feel very cozy and comfortable and like the grandma I am.
Since I changed the living room furniture around, and I like that so much better, the lamps over the dining and salon tables had not been hung in their proper places on the ceiling yet. The Exfactor is going to do this job, but he wanted to make sure that I really like the furniture the way it is now before he did it because it involves drilling holes. Well, I am sure of myself and tomorrow he is going to come over and rehang the lamps. This way I won't be in danger of constantly bumping my head into them. They are adjustable in how high they can be hung, but that is still not high enough to walk under. I'll be happy when they are in their proper places and they will look better too.


Gail said...

Glad the meds are working.

It is nice to rearrange and refresh a room.

Cheri said...

I love moving the furniture about, it helps me feel like I've moved to a new place.

Z said...

I like moving the furniture around too. And I bought a harness from the pet shop to stop Ben pulling so much, which helps a lot.

Anonymous said...

Does salt bother your rheumatism? I have a theory about that...