Saturday, August 03, 2013

Don't try that again...

Today it really is a lot cooler than it has been for this past week and I have to tell you that it comes as a great relief. I've got the windows open and a shy little breeze is blowing through the apartment. I wish it was a bit more bold. I am still dressed very summery and actually feel like sitting here in my underwear because I can't get cool enough. But I think maybe I am having hot flashes because of the vanilla custard I ate this morning.
I went to the grocery store on my bike for the first time since my surgery, and it wasn't the knee that was operated on that was bothering me, but the other one. I think I am getting a bit old and worn out, but you know what they say. You've got to use it or loose it. Riding a bike is very good exercise, even better than walking Tyke, which I have already also done twice.
There were many temptations in the store, but I tried to stick to the list that I made. I did buy the custard, although I knew that was a mistake and that it would bother me. I also took a long look at the cake with fresh fruit and whipped cream and it did look very good. It was only the expense of it that kept me from buying it. And the fact that I had no real excuse to get it. I really could not find a reason to indulge to that point.
I made copies of a bunch of forms while I was at the store, and I do have to say that they have reliable copy machines there that always work well.  It's so nice when something does what it is supposed to. That is one of the reasons that I like to shop at that store. Everything I want is always available and it is the neatest and cleanest and most organized store I have ever been in. I can go to a slightly cheaper one, but inevitably, they will be out of things.
I constantly have to take my shoes off and walk around on my bare feet. I'm so glad that it is warm enough to be able to do that. I would wear slippers, except that I can't grasp them well enough with my toes and end up walking beside them. The soles of my Birkenstocks have completely deteriorated and I have to throw them in the trash this weekend. It's too bad because they were comfortable to wear.


Maggie May said...

Glad you are getting on so well. I think sometimes when we have one *gammy* leg, that the other oner can be affected for a while because of the awkward way we walked to ease the pain. Hope it settles down.
I do love warm, dry weather but this heatwave is energy sapping. My longhaired rabbit was so overcome yesterday (even in the house) that she went into a state of lethargy and stopped eating or grooming. She seemed to give up. With it being the weekend and knowing how rabbits cannot last long if they stop eating...... I went to the vets and she had to have 4 injections to get the gut going again. A hefty bill followed!
Maggie x

Nuts in May

Gail said...

Glad you are improving so quickly.

We are having a nice cool rain today.

Grit said...

i have a great deal of difficulty parting with old comfortable shoes too. one pair were so filled with memories for me about all the places they had walked, i hung them on the wall and called it art. xx

Z said...

I hate it when a favourite pair of shoes finally has to be thrown away. Hope you're fully fit soon xx

Wisewebwoman said...

If you have a Birkenstock store near you Irene, they can put on new soles. One thing I love about Bs is that you can get any part fixed or replaced.