Friday, May 02, 2014

How I get through the day

Once more a day has sped by without me really noticing it that much, although in the morning it did feel like it wanted to dawdle and not get much of a start. I think that really was because I got up way too early and had not had enough sleep. I tried to remedy that with coffee and some breakfast and a walk in the crisp air with Tyke, but I ended up going to bed for another hour's worth of much needed sleep.

After that, I had enough energy for a person and a half and was very happy when the Exfactor showed up so that I could have an interesting conversation which I was much in need of. I needed some intellectual stimulation and to try out some ideas and opinions I had been walking around with. You do need a sparring partner when you want to discuss social and political mismanagement. At least, that is what it looks like in my eyes, having come of age in the 70's.

Common sense seems to hardly prevail nowadays. and we are all being forced into "the new middle class" straight jackets. They tell us how much guilt we should feel about the environment and the animals we eat, but by all means to always be in pursuit of happiness because you are a failed person if you don't feel it all the time. And we are supposed to forgive our enemies and love everyone and lecture the people who are less than perfect.  And by all means, reach for the stars because we all belong there.

I am personally returning to the Age of Realism where people have a mix of emotions and are not perfect and make mistakes and take wrong turns and sometimes feel like shit. And where it is not at all a disaster if I don't like everybody and that really doesn't matter one bit. How deep does your love go if you love everybody? I am a realist and a bit of a cynic, though not bitter, and I see every popular lifestyle and set of believes being adhered to as strictly as if it is a religion. There is no room for deviating behavior.

But that is just my humble opinion.


Wisewebwoman said...

We all have our methods of coping with your various insanities. I am glad your method is working for you as mine is for me :)


Z said...

I'm tactful and patient and sweet-natured - on the outside!

Cate Rose said...

Let's hear it for us behavioral deviants! xoxo

Gail said...

"I am personally returning to the Age of Realism where people have a mix of emotions and are not perfect and make mistakes and take wrong turns and sometimes feel like shit."

I may be crazy or not but I am happy with my uniqueness and most of time am comfortable in my skin.