Friday, November 09, 2012

The sweet smell of success.

The first cup of coffee I had this morning was a heated up one and it did not do a thing for me. I sat here waiting for my brain to start functioning properly and it just did not happen. Then I did what was the smart thing to do and made a pot of fresh coffee and that first cup is reviving me now. I will learn my lessons the hard way being both stubborn and Dutch. 

I may have made the claim here at one time that my medicines are not important but I sure do look forward to the time in the morning that I can take them and I wait eagerly for them to start working. When they do, thar sure takes a load of my mind and I am much more at ease. 

You see that I am chemically dependent on both my coffee and my medicines but I really don't mind. At least I know that there are legal substances that I can count on to set me straight amd I don't have to reach for alcohol or drugs and self medicate with them as so many people do. 

It is with some pleasure that I look forward to the day, in the first place because it is Friday and the last day of the work week. I am having the Exfactor over for dinner this evening and afterwards we will be going to the film house to see Woody Allen's film "To Rome with Love." I don't know why I did not see this one the first time around but now is as good a time as ever. 

I would like to go see a film once a week but the price of the tickets prohibits it. The Exfactor and I could take turns paying for them and then we would be able to go every other week and that might be the way to go. I will have to talk to him about it. The film house is subsidized and that makes the tickets more afforfable.

I feel like eating something very decadent and that must be because it is early in the morning and my stomach is empty. I will have to eat some fruit because I have enough of that although I would not call that decadent. It will be the thing that will agree with me the most. I really feel like eating a plate full of hash browns but that will have to wait until I am in the States where they know how to fix them right. 

I will go baxk to bed to sleep some more because it is not nearly time to start the day. As is usual, I got up prematurely.


Friko said...

Hello irene,

I’ve caught up with you again.

Glad to see that you are taking whatever comes in your stride. Long may it be so. Actually, you seem quite balanced to me, much more so than I am, and I am only very mildly bi-polar. (My AFib comes from an excess of adrenalin sometimes). But I cannot, for the life of me, see how coffee can allow you to sleep. If I had coffee like you do I would never sleep at all.

At the moment my new dog, Millie, is keeping me awake.

Wisewebwoman said...

I have to ask you being an ex- myself - did you finally quit smoking?

Nice to have Ex-F over for dinner and show. So civilized. :)