Thursday, November 29, 2012

It can also be done the right way.

Food wise, I did very well yesterday and ate nothing but fruit and vegetables. My stomach is ever so much happier as a result and I am able to drink coffee without a problem. I am ever so grateful for that and am glad that I am seeing the results so quickly. 

I will go food shopping this morning and buy nothing but sensible and, for me, healthy foods. I am already looking forward to that.and I can not wait to buy the vegetables to make big pans of soup with. I am excited to see what is available right now. 

I had my first appointment with the hypno-therapist in the afternoon. I had looked on the map to see where his office was located and I thought it was pretty easy to find and that I would have no problem getting there. After I rode my bike over to where I thought I had to be, the street was non-existent and I was baffled. I rode around for about ten minutes and had to ask four people directions before I ended up in the right place and it was somewhere completely different than where I thought it was supposed to be. 

The first session went well although I was a bit nervous about it. I had to give him my reasons for smoking and  my reasons to quit and talk about my motivation to. We also delved a bit into my background which is never all that pleasant. He taught me an exercise with which I instantly relaxed the muscles in my shoulders and that I can do at home this week. We talked about my bipolarity and the effect quiting smoking can have on that. I will have to inform my psychiatrist that I am quiting. 

Next week Thursday is my official quiting day. I will not be allowed to smoke anymore from the moment I go to bed the night before and come to the appointment in the morning bringing whatever tobacco and cigarettes I have left. I will forfeit them right there and then some therapeutic exercises will take place and the actual hypno-therapy session. Afterwards, I should be an ex-smoker. I do actually have faith in that. 


Rob-bear said...

Best wishes on your plan!

Wisewebwoman said...

My sisterinlaw was successful with this programme and never looked back.


VioletSky said...

Good Luck.