Sunday, August 15, 2010

Catching up...

Instead of writing blog posts, I've been busy with Bookmooch which I rejoined some time in the middle of the night yesterday. I've entered a short list of books that I'm giving away and I've entered a large list of books that I'm looking for. I've already had one person mooch a book from me and I'm in the process of mooching two books. I think it will become the same addictive activity it was before, with the difference that my list of books to give away will stay short so that I'm not going to spend a small fortune on sending books all over the world all at once. I will add new ones to it as I send books off, that way I keep things under control a bit. I hope that's how it will work out anyway. I know which mistakes I made before and I'll try not to make them again.

I'm now about to drink my second cup of coffee. It's not so very early in the morning for a change. I did sleep till a halfway decent time. I finished "The Drowning Season" by Alice Hoffman last night and I must say that it turned out to be a better book than I thought it was when I was about halfway through it. I started to lose interest in it, because I stopped being caught by it. I thought she was rambling and losing hold of the story, but I kept hanging in there and the ending was superb. I read it in one fell swoop. I've now started reading "Local Girls" which is also a novel by her and am enjoying it so far. It's written with a far different voice and in a totally different tempo, as if this is her true style. I do know one thing, though. I have to reserve judgment on a book until I've completely finished it. It can be full of surprises and you don't know the total effect of it on you until the end.

I've ordered two thrillers by Kathy Reichs. "Bones to Ashes" and "Deja Dead." Because the main character in them is a forensic anthropologist, I'm very fond of these books. I love the science in them and I figured out what happened to one of the murder victim's bodies before it was disclosed. I thought that was pretty savvy of me. No doubt I've watched a lot of thrillers on TV with that kind of science in them. The public gets smart.

I'm mooching two thrillers by Elizabeth George. One mooch has been accepted. I'm waiting to hear about the other one.

My reluctance to go to the creative classes has to do with the fact that they are at the psychiatric clinic and that all the people in the classes will have a psychiatric disorder. I think it is time that I get away from all of that. It is time for me to surround myself with 'ordinary' people. I don't always want to have to deal with people who have an extensive instruction booklet. They are easy people to get to know in that setting, but they are hard people to make friendships with because of their peculiarities and do I really want to? I would like to surround myself with people who have ordinary problems that aren't overwhelming and weird. I'm no longer identifying with psychiatric patients and don't want all my conversations to be about those sorts of problems.

I haven't figured out what the alternative is going to be. I wish there was a halfway solution that didn't immediately throw me in the deep end, but that is where I may have to go. I have to look into the regular circuit and see what's available. I know I don't want to go through life as a sick individual and identify with sick people. I don't want them to be my role models.

It's only going to be 17C today and we're expecting a lot of rain. I have to walk Tyke while it's still dry, although the sky looks threatening now. There's a cold wind blowing as well and I will definitely have to wear a jacket and a warm scarf. Tyke is snoring on the coffee table and oblivious of everything. Gandhi is asleep on the sofa and equally oblivious, but she doesn't have to go out.

First I have to make cigarettes. I do have my priorities straight.

Have a terrific Sunday.



Bernie said...

Hello my friend, I can't believe it is cool enough for a scarf and jacket.....we are still quite warm here and I hope it stays that way for a while. We are getting our rain most nights still but the days are heavenly.
I like the sounds of Bookmooch, never heard of it before. Is it just in Europe?
I understand how you feel about your creative classes, perhaps you are right but we all need support and understanding and after all you have been through maybe you would be a help to these people. I don't know enough to say anything really Nora, one has to walk in your shoes to make that decision. I will say a prayer you have made the right one for you. Take care my friend and have a great Sunday.
Your book does sounds good:-) Hugs

CorvusCorax12 said...

i hope it works out with the bookmooch and it sounds pretty reasonable how you will handle it this time.
around here our university (community college)offers creative classes, the only thing is they cost money (not much though), maybe there are community groups around ?, just something to investigate :)
Enjoy your new book !

Babaloo said...

Very sensible approach to Bookmooch!

And yes, I'm with Twain, go and investigate the community college and similar classes. Most of special rates for people on state benefit, so it might cost less than you think. Plus, it will also be a proper class, i.e. you could sign up for something that you haven't tried before and learn a new technique. Lots of things to think about! I'm just looking forward to you being creative again and seeing your work!

lebanesa said...

Yes, I can see it is an issue.
Depends on your level of vulnerability whether you would be able to face going to a more general class where people were not all in the same or similar boat.
I am not sure about things where you are, but a lot of those creative classes for adults in UK are quite small numbers and are not pressured, the teachers are also used to teaching a wide variety of people, some with disabilities of different sorts, in amongst people who have no such issues.

So it is possible to get support if you need it - but the advantage would be that you would be mixing with people of all sorts and not all people who were struggling. There wouldn't be a label on the class or the learners.
If you can cope with the idea of an independent start - Go gal, whatever you decide will be worth a shot. Nothing to lose. You can always back off after if you want to.

Wisewebwoman said...

I don't think I've read Hoffman at all, I must check on her.Kathy Reichs I adore, I've read all of hers, she spends her time between Montreal and SC I think. (or used to) I think some of her books are now movies.
Good on you on being so clear on the art classes. Good suggestions on how you can pursue your passion from other commenters.