Saturday, October 27, 2012

When it is Saturday.

I had two toasted sandwiches with goat cheese for lunch and it was only the size of my stomach that prevented me from eating another one because that is how good they tasted. It is a darn shame that the price of goat cheese is so high or I would eat it for every meal in large quantities. Now I can just buy it once a week for a special treat and try and make it last as long as possible and even that is not financially responsible. 

As you can probably tell, I went grocery shopping today and I had the usual good time that I always do. It must be that I like to acquire things and that the ancient gathering instinct is alive and well inside of me. I do enjoy walking through most of the supermarket and looking at nearly everything possible.  After all, I never do know what I may discover that I absolutely can not do without. In this way, I am getting to know the store intimately and can plan future forages. 

I did discover thinly sliced chops on sale that will be done quickly and that I can prepare with onions and apple slices. I will fix those the first night my friend Judy is here. I also bought freshly made raviolis filled with spinach and others filled with meat and some good sauce to pour over them. I do have to think creatively and avoid cow milk products at the same time.

Last night the temperature dropped below freezing and when I took Tyke out for his walk this morning, I needed both my winter coat and gloves although the sun was shining in a bright blue sky. I do like this kind of weather if I am dressed for it and I so prefer it to rain which is okay if you decide to stay indoors. Not having that choice, I would rather have a bright winter day. 

It turned out that I had my smart phone's signal turned to silent so that if anyone had tried to call me, I would not have known about it. Hardly anyone has that number so it is no great disaster and if it is really that important it is very easy to call me on my land line. There really is no need for me to always be available. I only got the smart phone so I will be in reach when I am away from home for any length of time like when I go to the States and have to leave Tyke and Gandhi behind. 

Tyke is telling me not so subtlely that it is time to go for a walk so we have to leave the warm apartment and go out there in the cold. 

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