Tuesday, December 25, 2012

As usual.

I am sitting here early on Christmas morning with my usual cup of coffee as if it were any other day, except that I am in Houston and that, once everyone gets up, I will be opening presents. In the Netherlands we do that on December the 5th in celebration of Saint Nicholas' birthday. 

I have to say that I do sleep well here and I do not know if that is due to the quality of the beds or because I am in the company of my loved ones. I sleep at least eight hours and in the evenings I am so tired that I am sound asleep the moment my head hits the pillow. 

The weather was beautiful yesterday and I had to get what summer clothes I packed out of my suitcase. We went to a an arboretum and I expected a park, but this being Texas, it was of course a large forest with all kinds of trails running through it. I am sure that all sorts of animals live there but because we had the dog with us, we only saw turtles in the natural ponds and squirrels. 

There are an awful lot of really rich people here and I do have to get used to that. It is awkward to see so much opulence and outward appearance of wealth and money spent. I do have my opinions about that but I will keep those to myself. You all know that I am a socialist. 

I made dinner last night and used as many things as I could find in the refrigerator which had an abundance of food. I made up two dishes by using my imagination and they were well received. I enjoyed them myself too because I made them lactose and gluten free. As long as I do not eat too much for my gastric band to handle, I do fine. 

We are going out for authentic Japanese food for our Christmas dinner. We are not in the mood for turkey and all the trimmings. There is a tiny Japanese restaurant not too far from here that is run by an old Japanese couple and my daughter has eaten there before and says it is worth it. 

It promises to be another lovely day out and what better way to celebrate Christmas. I wish you all the best one ever and if you do not celebrate it, remember to be extra good for yourself anyway. 


VioletSky said...

Merry Christmas!
Enjoy the rest of your day with your family.

Wisewebwoman said...

An abundance of happies right backatcha there Eeraynuh!!

Gail said...

Have a wonderful holiday!

Rob-bear said...

Glad you've had a wonderful Christmas, and that the US seems to be agreeing with you.

Fret not; my experience is that the best people are all socialists of a sort.

Blessings for 2013.