Saturday, December 24, 2011

Good intentions...

I went to bed on time with the intention to get a good night's sleep, but the dog had other ideas. He had felt neglected because I had been away from home for a long time today and he wanted some attention and company. He didn't want me to go to sleep and kept me awake. There was no other solution but to get up again. 

I cuddled him extensively and petted him until he was satisfied and started chewing on a rawhide bone. Now he's asleep in the armchair and I'm sitting here temporarily wide awake. Both he and the cat were waiting behind the front door when I came home this evening and Tyke acted like I'd been gone on a long journey. His happiness to see me knew no bounds. If he could have jumped in my arms, he would have done so. 

I had been at my sister's house where my daughter and her father will be staying because she has the spare room for guests. Her house is bigger than my apartment. We can all move around a little easier there in a larger group because her children are there also and there would be no room for everybody here. 

It was a great thing to see my daughter and it was the most natural and comfortable thing in the world. I felt no awkwardness whatsoever. The first thing she said to me was, "Mom, you're so little!" I had to laugh at that, because I guess I am now compared to when she saw me last. I have shrunk quite a bit and am just a shadow of the person I was for a few unfortunate years. 

She looked fantastic and quite like the successful career woman she's become. She's got her head on straight. She's a smart cookie and knows what she's doing and I'm very proud of what she's achieved in life and aims to achieve still. It's great to watch a success story take place. 

Tomorrow we're going to be celebrating Christmas and exchange presents in the evening while we eat our way through a lot of food that my sister will have prepared. I will nibble. In the afternoon we will go downtown to do some final shopping and to have cappuccinos in a sidewalk cafe where there will be heaters under the awnings. It should be quite busy in town with everyone doing their final bit of shopping. The stores will be closing early at 5 pm causing a stampede most likely.

I've got to think of another good outfit to wear tomorrow, but I'm sure something good will pop out of the closet. 

I've got to go to bed now and set the alarm clock so I'll get up at a decent time in the morning. I can't dawdle long over a cup of coffee. I will have to get the show on the road in a somewhat speedy manner. I've got a nice day to look forward to. 



VioletSky said...

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
Prettige Kerstdagen!

Maggie May said...

You will have such a lot of catching up to do.
Have a lovely time.
Maggie X

Nuts in May