Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The restless dog.

Tyke has had his fur trimmed and his nails cut, and ever since then he's been traipsing all around the apartment like he can not find a place to lay his egg. To put it this way: he is very restless. A sense of renewed vigor seems to have got a hold of him and he doesn't want to relax for any length of time. I have already let him out back three times tonight and he basically does nothing there but sniff around a lot. Needless to say, I am not letting him out again.
He is also convinced that he is hungry non stop and tries to get me to feed him all the time. He likes the contents of the pouches for the cat the most and just about inhales those. I have had to put a stop to that after I gave him some as a special treat. He also thinks the dental sticks are a snack to permanently chew on. He looks at me with his big brown eyes and besieges me to please give him one and I have to be very tough to withstand it. He is already overweight and we are going to have to take many long walks to take care of that.
I went grocery shopping yesterday and took my time choosing things that I might like to try and eat. One thing that I bought was Bami Goreng, which is an Indonesian noodle dish. You are supposed to eat that with shrimp chips and pickled vegetables and a portion of satay, but I decided not to push my luck and to just try the noodles. I also bought soups and delicious, freshly baked bread and a specialty cheese that was on sale. I even bought a small jar of mayonnaise and some lunch meat. Well yes, I have big plans.
Surprisingly enough, the Bami Goreng agreed with me very well and I had two plates full of it. How this is possible, I do not know, but I did enjoy it. It had been a very long time since I had it and I thought it was going to be impossible, so imagine my surprise when it turned out that I could easily eat it. I think next time, I will buy the accoutrements too. There is no need to deny myself all the fun.
I have appointments in the morning and I am especially looking forward to the first one, which is at the eye clinic. At the end of the day, my eyes are so worn out that my glasses hardly do me any good. Of course, it does help to clean them regularly as you can see a lot better then.  


Gail said...

Sounds like shopping for food is fun once more.

Maggie May said...

I also like noodle. Glad that you are finding things that you can tolerate.
Yes....... you must clean your glasses!!!!!
Maggie x

Nuts in May